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Activity -Manual settings excercise on campus



ISO 100



ISO 1600



ISO 200



ISO 200



ISO 400

Hi again! so for this week, Mr Martin has assigned us to continue more of the shooting excercises with the exact same concept as last time where we experimented with the different manual settings except this time, we are to shoot 5 different candid pictures in black and white around campus of people we don't normally know. We are to shoot people in action as they are naturally going about their day in their everyday routine.

In conclusion of this excercise, I would say that I have been pretty much familiarised with the manual settings compared to my first attempt of using the manual mode. 

This task was a very fast process as people were either walking too fast, getting out of frame, noticing the camera etc etc and because of that, I had to be fast with adjusting my DSLR in order to capture perfect candid shots of people. This was a good task for us to do at campus mainly because it encourages us to be confident and to not be shy when taking photos in public especially right in front of people we don't normally know.

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